About Me

Hi! My name is Maddie Jarrard. I’m a senior at Northwestern studying Journalism, Environmental Policy & Culture and Integrated Market Communications. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee and currently live in Chicago.

This past spring I spent time at The Nature Conservancy creating a seven-page brochure about Emiquon, their floodplain restoration project. I worked from the Chicago office for most of the time, but I also got to travel out to Emiquon and explore the 6,000-acre wetland via air boat and truck. I loved working on the brochure and the chance to get hands-on experience outside.

This past fall I studied abroad in New Zealand. “Studied.” I spent weekends tramping, weekdays climbing and a little bit of time in the classroom too. Bottom right photo is from the tramp to Liverpool Hut, my favorite expedition of New Zealand.

When I’m not at school I’m backpacking, sailing and climbing. I lead a backpacking trip at Northwestern for incoming freshman in the fall, and I take any opportunity I have to get off campus and into the outdoors. Ask my about some of my trips!